
I provide


I am committed to perform my work with full of attention and honesty. I always think of myself as a student and want to adopt and spread more and more knowledge so that it can be helpful for mankind.

Core services

I can cooperate with this services below I explained briefly.

Software Requirement Analysis

It is the first step to develop a software. Without software requirement analysis we can not think a good software. There will be always leakage of clients requirement without it. So I am trying to bring out the all features what clients want by hearing their story. In this phase I use Use case diagram or UML diagram to visualize the clients requirement.

Database Design

One of the major step for a rich software development. After proper requirement analysis, I try to design the database. Without proper database design software can not fulfill clients requirement. In this case I try to use Entity Relationship or ER diagram to design the database then after again proper analysis develop it

Front End Development

In front-end development, if client has any template design then I try to develop it with pixel perfection. As I am not expert in UI/UX design I can not give the support of template design and software prototyping at this moment. But there are so many UI/UX designer who can give this support. Pixel perfect and responsive design is must for good looking application. And user friendly front-end is the key to your success.

Back End Development

A back-end is the heart of a software. Security, authentication and authorization is depended on the back-end of a software. I follow the Model View Controller-MVC architecture to develop a software which makes the web application most reliable.